The Valrath are a fantasy race featuring in the Gloomhaven series of games (Gloomhaven, Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion, and probably the soon-to-be-released Frosthaven). I play Jaws of the Lion, and my playable character is Red Guard, a member of the Valrath species.

The Valrath come from a dark history of warfare and genocide, though they have overcome these urges and most Valrath in the city of Gloomhaven are apparently quite mild-mannered (to read more, see this Gloomhaven wiki page). For my final project in my Fantasy Literature class, I invented a language for the Valrath.

The work I did is linked here. Please let me know what you think! Whether you're a linguist or know absolutely nothing about language or fantasy, I'd love to hear your thoughts.